Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A bit of my previous works....

Hey guys, today's post is not your standard post from Comic Relief! Consider this as more of a letter of introduction. My name is Michael Oden, and I will be your posting host for however long I decide to keep this bad boy coming along. I have been writing about nerd stuffs for almost a year now, and I started at an online blog site called moviepilot. I decided to split company with them recently and led me to starting this!
However, I figured that it would be important to include a resume sort of, so you can get a feel for what to expect here at Comic Relief, so below I have posted my creator page from moviepilot (I would republish  my articles, but for the sake of avoiding self plagiarism and any term violations with moviepilot I am playing it safe).
Anyways, enjoy!

My creator's page:

Big ones to look at:

My first article:
DC's Mind Blowing Animated Films list, the TRUE one

Some Major Highlights:
Legends of Tomorrow: A Commentary on the Diversification of the Superhero Community

Superman Series an Ode to Fatherhood

BLACK: A Comic that Forces Us to Look at Race in the Modern Day

An All-Star approach to Man of Steel Sequel

Failing Clark Kent Means Failing Superman

My Last article for Moviepilot:

Trailer Promises: Spider-Man Homecoming

It was a fun journey for sure, but I am really excited to venture into the unknown with you guys here on Comic Relief!
stay tuned for a new post NEXT WEEK on Comic Relief!

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