Sunday, September 23, 2018

Titans: One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Welcome back to another edition of Comic Relief! where we talk about all the goings on in the world of nerd!

If there has been a single upcoming project that has personified the expression "out of the frying pan and into the fire," it''s the upcoming live action show Titans. The show is the premiere exclusive for DC's premium streaming app DC Universe. Ever since set photos leaked showing a rather lackluster look at the team almost a year ago, the show has been in an uphill struggle. At SDCC this year their situation was worsened by a trailer that upset most of the fanbase as it seemed the serieswas committing character assassination on the entire squad of the beloved super-team: The Teen Titans. The most notable instance was the horrible representation of Dick Grayson's Robin who sets the tone of the trailer by straight up murdering 6 people and punctuating the horror with "Fuck Batman." However, on Batman day this past week we got our first glimpse at Jason Todd interacting with Dick Grayson in the show and it delivered some of the first overall positive feedback:

This clip had even given me a glimmer of hope as I started to regain some interest in the show. The interaction between Jason and Dick felt organic and was just downright enjoyable. This minute long sneak peak at what I would see from these two actors in the show had me excited for exactly one minute. However, apparently the universe took action within a 60 second time period because it didn't take long for my hopes and dreams to be dashed upon the rocky shores of hopelessness that it is to be a fan of DC books. What could cause my hopes to come crashing down you may ask? Just look below:

It should be noted that this is a leak from a "report," so this costume has not been officially confirmed, but neither has it been denied to be official. That being said, given the cheap quality of everyone else's costumes in the cast, I am more inclined to believe that this is in fact the costume we will see Batman in the show. It's honestly infuriating that the production team would put so much effort into making Robin look fantastic, but decide to halfass everyone else's designs. This is supposed to be a cinematic quality show! Why does everything look like shit?! For all the problems DC has had in the cinematic department, they have never once caused fans a reason to doubt the dedication they have to these characters because at least their designs were on point.

Following this whole show has honestly been a disheartening experience. I had some serious hopes for this show at the beginning. I wanted it to do well, show people what DC was really capable of. I never would have thought in a million years that I would be dreading a live action Teen Titans show. However, this appears to be yet another flop that will add to the already tarnished DC reputation. I hope DC succeeds, I wanted Titans to be the first big step towards a road of wins for the company. However, that sadly doesn't appear to be the case here. I refuse to remain an optimist if this is the quality that they have accepted for their productions.

This has been another edition of Comic Relief! I hope you have enjoyed and we will see you again next time!

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