Saturday, October 13, 2018

CONFIRMED: James Gunn is the be the best thing to happen to the DCEU/DCFU/suicide squad 2 FIGHT ME

Tonight we have confirmation that James Gunn is at the least, writing the
Suicide Squad sequel.

in an announcement Dc daily host Tiffany Smith said:
"It's official that we have got a new member of the DC family: acclaimed writer/director James Gunn has been attached to write Suicide Squad 2. Gunn is poised to bring a completely fresh take to the franchise after the first film was written and directed by David Ayer."

Previously Gavin O'Connor was to draft the sequel screenplay.
He both directed and produced the Accountant starring Ben Affleck.
But when Birds of Pray was green lit, the two scripts were two similar? 
So he left and we get Gunn. which until I looked all this up I just assumed 
Birds of pray was on the ever-growing DCEU announced but scrapped heep. 
Ayer was obviously never coming back not just cause the film
was a mess but he himself has said he did not enjoy the process 
and was unsatisfied with the outcome, via studio interference.

Gunn is said to be bringing a completely new take on the Suicide Squad.
leaving me to wonder if this is a Sequal or a reboot? The Film, to date,
has no set release date but with Gunn joining, I'm sure that will change.

As well, The questions as to whether the most disliked interpretation of the Joker, portrayed by Self-fashioned Jered Leto will return {please let it be no, PLEASE LET IT BE NO} as they don't have the best working relationship. As you will learn below James Gunn is a spicy Boi when it comes to tweets, like this 2012 doozy,Gunn Tweeted "Driving home from Vegas Treading stories about what a dick Jared Leto is" Gunn could be referring to Leto's Antics on the Set of SS or his difficulty on Blade Runner 2049. Where he insisted on being led around as if he were blind...because he was portraying a blind man. Or it could be some other thing between them personally.either way it spells trouble for the actor.

If you are even slightly connected to any news feed or YouTube channel that
covers all things pop culture or nerdy, then you were probably aware of the
rumors that the Infamous former Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn
was in talks to write and possibly direct suicide squad 2. The DCEU as been on 
shaky ground since it launched. Suicide Squad was met with mixed reviews 
but was a box office success. Panned by critics and lukewarm with fans. 
both praising the feel well bemoaning story and edtis. Like a majority of 
the trailers not appearing in the finished film.

That's why this could be the single best thing to happen to the
dceu/dcfu/dc-no-one-cares-till-you-make-a good-film-universe.

Now I find this hard to believe but some of you may not know the
hubbub around Mr. James “Edgelord” Gunn's termination form Marvels
Guardians of the Galaxy and taking over the universe building/planning
from Kevin Feige.

He got his start writing for a studio called “Troma entertainment.”
Known for their raunchy, edgy, exploitation, horror/comedy films.
Let’s just say they are not for kids, contrary to what the toxic avenger
Saturday morning cartoon might have lead you to believe in the 80’s.

His first, to my knowledge, writing credit was Tromeo and Juliet.
It’s a cute modern take on the Shakespearean classic. Set in NYC,
narrated by Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead. And involves things like
a father beating his daughter to force her into an arranged marriage
to an older man, a young boy witnessing a buxom woman he desires
have cunnilingus performed on her pretty intensely. And young Juliet
taking a potion that, I shit you not, transforms her into a hideous Gwar
inspired cow monster,  complete with a three-foot penis. This film was
a cult classic and released in 1996. Well before any Disney contracts
were signed.

as well as James Gunn did a mockumentary with his then-wife
Jenna Fischer of “The Office” fame called lollilove. Its 100%, not pg.
It’s probably closer to Nc-17 for the language and sexual themes.
As pretty much, you’ll note a pattern here, all of Gunn’s work and
life have been.

Probably the panicle of Gunn’s edginess was a 2008 web series
starring Nathan Fillion of Destiny fame and MANY porn stars called
James Gunn’s PG porn. You can read about it on your own.

But what caught Disney’s eye, we can gather, was Gunns success
writing the 2002 live action Scooby Doo starring Freddie Prinze Jr.,
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard, Linda Cardellini and
Rowan Atkinson to name a few.

The film cost 84 million to make and banked 275 million worldwide.
So it deemed a sequel. Now you may say, but Automatauntaun,
that movie sucked? It has a 30% on rotten tomatoes? Well, you probably
don’t have a relative or friend with kids. Cause out of the over 16 people
I know with kids 10 can give you a DEEP Synopsis of the plot of this film.
Burned into there memory. And if you didn’t notice Disney’s Marvel films
are targeted at family’s with kids.

I know?! I’m the worst! You want a Nc-17 X-men! And Iron Man! And
Capetian America! ( he is alone in a room with a woman, he then
apologizes and leaves)

But guess what?! You only go to see a movie once maybe twice.
And my sister and her husband take their 5 kids to see their favorite
film usually three times, at 20 bucks a pop. That’s way more profit
then you and your bff. Not to mention you don’t buy the overpriced
blocks and legos and all that. Nor do you buy each child their own copy
of the DVD because sharing is hard.

So you're not marvels core audience. Get over it.

Scooby Doo 2: monsters unleashed didn’t do as good but,
at 25 million to make, getting 181.5 million worldwide, it more than broke even.
Again not to mention the DVD sales and merch sales.

So Gunn proved he could do the family friendly thing.
But I feel the NEXT big thing James Gunn did that made Disney say
“that’s the no-name Pervy edge lord we want to direct our long shot family-
friendly film!” was 2006’s “Slither”.

Slither was a box office failure. Coasting 15 million to make and only
netting 12. The horror/comedy let down not only the studio but the distributors, who all distanced them self from the production. But it did the other thing Disney needed to see. It was a critical smash and a cult fave. Garnering buzz on all the right talk shows and podcasts.
Being praised by the likes Entertainment Weekly's #1 on their
"Must list:Ten things to do this week” of April 14th, 2006.
It garnered a positive aggregator score of 86% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Which was as good as securing him his next gig regardless of box office.
It went on to be in Peter Travers Rolling Stone magazine
"Top 25 DVDs of the Year". And Ebert & Roeper guest critic
Michael Phillips said Slither was his DVD pick of the week.
Ironically Ebert & Roeper Gave it two thumbs down when they got back.

These two things showed Disney that Gunn had the potential to make a film the
A: appealed to kids in the age range of 5-15
B: enjoyable for the youngn’s parents without making them feel it’s too
harsh for their precious snowflakes
C: Garner those ever so precious 18-24’s that detest being pitched too.
D: have the potential to get a profit off a franchise that has -5 name
recognition, and whose book counterpart sales never par with the big
names already on celluloid.

Gunn was willing to take risks, could make films others might shy
away from and had the street cred and pop culture knowledge so not
to be seen as...

When they made this decision they were both aware of the nature of a
lot of his work and the nature of his tweets in question.

So why then when Mike Cernovich brought some of Gunns decades old
edgelord tweets from his earlier career Disney/Marvel acted
like it was news too then? When a corporation like Disney brings you
in to direct a family film, pretty much all they make, they do a
deep dive on you. They KNOW what they are investing in.
It went up late July 19th early July 20th. On the eve of a large
San Diego comic con panel for marvel. And they moved with
shocking speed to fire him. Gunn posted an explanation/apology
to Twitter you can read here if you so desire.

Blame it on #meetoo, blame it on #Pizzagate, or like most of the
media try and blame it on trump {citation; seriously this article implies
Trump made Cernovich Mainstream and thus is at fault for Gunn's career
torpedoing, note you need a subscription on some platforms to read
because they are very much not obsolete as a platform}
But, in my humble opinion, It was cause parents just don't understand.

That’s why Disney fired Gunn. People like my sister and her
husband are are tired of having to explain to their kids all these
things they shouldn’t have too till they are, I don’t know, past the
age of 8 at least? Like why a tree is giving someone something
( James Gunn really went there).The reason Disney dropped
Gunn like a Michelle Wolf comedy special was they feared losing those parents with 2-5 kids over losing you { the author is assuming
your one of those precious 18-24 they so keenly desire}. As they,
overall buy the toys. And that’s the real money.

They were aware because my next example is this blog from “ladygeekgirls”
entitled James Gunn is a sexist, Homophobic Jerk.Posting about his now
deleted “50 superheroes you most want to have sex with.” Blog
With raunchy comments like “[on batwoman] “I’m hoping for a dc-marvel
crossover so that tony stark can turn her; she could also have sex with
nightwing and still be a lesbian”

And urging her readers too “#boycottgunn #boycottgunn #boycottgunn
#boycottgunn #boycottgunn #boycottgunn”
And if you read the comments there was indeed a 2014.

Make no mistake. Disney was WELL aware of all of this. As I have outlined
it's partly WHY they wanted him.

Now, you may be wondering why this winding, overly lengthy outline of his
career and the controversy I stated you are probably well aware of?

Well, it’s cause James Gunn is exactly the kind of Edgelord Suicide Squads
NEEDS. It's plot was literally a mess and a forgettable mishmash of one-liners.

From poor special effects, illogical characterization, and probably the worst
Villian. The film was the ultimate bait and switch pretty much removing ALL
of Jerad Leto's joker. {maybe a blessing} It’s only appeal was
lots of…Recognizable music and Pop cultural references.
Sound familiar? It also felt like something was missing?
It didn’t feel like they were in danger from the giant gray thing in the sky that
seems to be DC’s go to bad guy. I did not feel they were down and out. Like
they where maybe NOT the A, B or even F team. I felt like I was supposed
to believe they were the good guys? Not bad guys and flawed people I
liked besides that point. And most of them seemed too competent to be caught, the characterizations were all off. Well, slipknot...he seemed, just right.
The reimagining didn’t work
Well...ok. This did, this was maybe Jai Courtneys best work. But in
the Interest of keeping the age-old internet tradition of starting flame
wars alive
Fight me.

Now, a franchise in need reinventing dated characters that don’t
necessarily work on film, That has lots of pop cultural references,
Using modern pop songs as a backdrop and story device,
And a complex plot involving the scum of their universe well still keeping the
“villains” relatable, likable and memorable. Who could we turn to for that?
Oh, maybe the guy who took a lackluster book with no name recognition
in the general public or even most comic book fans and made it into a
773.3 million household name.  That’s who. And he would be right at
home in the black humor of the plot. He can turn people's heads being
blown off into laughs ( they have bombs in their heads if you didn’t know,
suicide squad, ya know.)  The psychotic nature of many of the cast would
play well into his writing style. The banter between them would be just
endlessly better than…that...thing we got.

His casting choices would probably be amazing. You KNOW dave Batista
is gonna come along for the ride as well as Michael Rooker and his brother
Sean Gunn {Nepotism, well and alive LITERALLY EVERYWHERE}
Not saying Will Smith and Margo Robbie were not good picks but...
everything else was….

The DC...films are in desperate need of that special something that
they are all missing. A cohesive script. A smidge of situational comedy
wouldn’t hurt either. All of which Gunn has proven HE CAN BRING.
Dc fanbois are always crying how they love the dark, monochromatic,  
visually hard to see, frowny, Prozac infused, color contrast-less,
snyderverse. Well, James Gunn would be the perfect man to bring
that to life!

James Gunn should not only write but direct the ss films. Dc is
in a bad place. WW2 might be good but so what? Her whole cast
and soon her universe is gone, save for Aquaman. Sure Wan and
Momoa’s film looks not as bad as Dc’s civil war Batman vs Superman.
But it also looks like a superhero movie that was trying to compete
with Sam Rami’s  Spider-Man. And I don’t know about you but the
Momoa letting out his millennial whoop bit is being beaten to death
in the trailer alone. I can only imagine how many “AAAAALLL RIIIIGHTS”
and “MA MAAAN”s we are gonna be bombarded with cause dc’s execs
be like

Which saddens me greatly as Momoa is the only person that I
think could rehabilitate Aquaman. Cyborg was never happening to
be honest. Flash has never moved despite the irony it’s a movie
about the fastest man alive. Superman/Man of Steel two is also, most
likely, never happening with news that script elements are being given
to the green-lit super girl film such as the villain and scenario.
If we do get a superman, its almost certainly being recast.
We have, and will, never get a Batman standalone film with Batfleck.
{Fight me} All due to poor writing, characterization, and reception.
And I'm not going into the SLEW of films DC announced that never
even got to casting. It's a lot. A lot of things have been made a big
deal of and canceled due to the poor receptions and returns of what
used to be the most financially sure superhero film label out there.
Tim Burtons Batman, and the Christopher Reeves series of films
WERE the standard.

James Gunn would be the witty, original, off-kilter shot in the arm the DC... need if they want to even attempt to compete with
Marvel who is retiring their biggest names. Now ending their phase 4
of films, the end of the story started with Ironman one over ten years
ago and setting up their phase 5 films and the new franchises that will
drive their overarching tale. And with Marvel/ Disney recently re-acquiring
their long coveted finale two pieces of the monetary triforce, the Xmen and
the first family, the Fantastic Four, DC is set to be left in the dust with NO
brand names, No universal continuity and NO plots that their own fans truly
feel are being done justice. I love DC. and I have been so insanely furious
with the way the studios have handled the choice of direction, casting tone
and plots. And when I say Studio it's not a dog whistle for
#Releasethesnydercut. Snyder shockingly was the wrong man to do...
literally anything apparently. But I want these stories.
I WANT a Capullo Batman. I WANT a Jim Lee Superman.
I WANT a Ostrander Suicide Squad, and I think James Gunn is our best bet.

And hopefully, we will get him as a director as well

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